What’s ageism got to do with it?
The COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately shone the spotlight on some of deep-seated ageist attitudes towards older people.
As village professionals it’s important to understand how we can offer support against this.
Next month, the DCM Institute will be running a session on this very topic with Jane Mussared, chief executive of COTA SA, and Mike Rungie, Director of the Global Centre of Modern Ageing, joining us for the discussion.
As a prelude, we recommend tuning into an upcoming session from Every AGE Counts.
In what is bound to be a great discussion between Ashton Applewhite and Jane Caro, this session will cover the impact ageism is having in today’s society and what we as age service professionals should be doing to minimise it.
The session takes place on Tuesday, November 24.
You can learn more here.
Tag:Ageism, Coronavirus, COVID-19