The Managing Director who tries to visit all 75 retirement villages twice a year
Nathan Cockerill, Lendlease Retirement Living Managing Director, is a hard man to catch in the office in Melbourne.
More often than not he is out of State visiting one of the ASX-listed company’s retirement villages.
Nathan, who is on the executive of the Property Council’s Retirement Living Council, told The SOURCE why he does it.
“I love spending time with our residents. We have 17,000 residents across our portfolio and each and every one has their own unique story. Just listening to those stories fulfills my day and I learn a lot from them and appreciate all the things they’ve done in their lifetime,” Nathan said.
“I try to visit all our 75 villages at least twice a year and really value the opportunity to also hear about village life. We know the needs of retirees are constantly evolving and listening to our residents is the only way we can ensure we continue to provide the lifestyle they want and expect.”
Nathan, who has worked at Lendlease in the Retirement Living portfolio since May 2014, said his most memorable visits are the 100th Birthday Clubs.

“For residents that reach this milestone, we gift them with a family portrait or mini memoir capturing their incredible life. The community spirit is infectious and it’s wonderful to see our residents being celebrated in such a way.” he said.