South Australian Retirement Village Act review discussion paper issued
Late last week the Office of Ageing Well released the 52 page discussion paper as the next step of the Retirement Village Act 2016 review.
The review is a requirement of the Act, which commenced in 2018.
The RV Act and its regulations, frame the operations of the State’s 534 registered retirement villages, housing around 26,400 people.
The review will consider whether the Act meets its intended objectives, including:
- clarifying the rights and responsibilities of both operators and residents,
- enhancing information disclosure requirements,
- providing tighter definitions, and
- ensuring sufficient consumer protection.
A two-part discussion paper has been developed to facilitate the review with stakeholders and community members encouraged to provide feedback on the sections that interest them.
The review will also consider other jurisdictions’ retirement village legislation to support the further development of best practice processes in South Australia.
A report on outcomes of the review, including community feedback will be provided to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing for tabling in Parliament later in 2021.
Director for Office of Ageing Well is encouraging all South Australians with an interest in this area to have their say here.
Submissions close on Friday 26 March 2021 at 5.00pm (ACDT).
The DCM Institute team also encourages South Australian operators to review the discussion paper, interact with their industry peak body or other operators and finally make their own individual submission.
Your voice will count!