Royal Commission into Aged Care starts tomorrow. Negative media started yesterday.
Last night on the ABC TV’s 7.30 Report a disturbing story was presented on the use of drugs as a medical restraint of residents in aged care facilities.
In the introduction the presenter said 7.30 Report had received ‘access’ to a submission being made to the Royal Commission into Aged Care. They had interviewed and filmed resident families across several states.
We here at DCM Media are receiving daily new press releases detailing negative stories by groups wishing to bring attention to their particular aged care cause.
It’s going to be a rough and worrying year for your residents as the Royal Commission unfolds. This will cover home care as well as residential aged care.
It is worth reminding them that across the country there are 220,000 people receiving residential aged care and respite care each year plus 80,000 receiving home care packages and 800,000 receiving Community Home Support Program (CHSP) care into their homes.
While any negative incident is deplorable, the actual number compared to number of people being cared for is extremely low.
75% of the job of the Royal Commission is to be positive and find better processes and solutions to care for the aged. Hopefully this will be reported too.
The Royal Commission starts in Adelaide tomorrow but the real business commences mid-February.