Residents desire dignity, respect and transparency from the retirement village industry — do you have policy that reflects this?
Over the past 18 months dignity, respect, fairness and transparency have been highlighted as key behaviours residents and regulators are seeking from the industry.
In December 2018 the Retirement Living Council (RLC) and Leading Age Services Australia (LASA)launched the Voluntary Industry Code of Conduct.
Section A1.2 of The Code of Conduct details:-
‘In all our dealings with our current, potential and future residents, we will act with integrity, and in a professional, reasonable, fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner.’
In NSW as at 1 July this year the new Rules of Conduct for operators specifically refers to, ‘a higher standard of customer service to ensure that residents and prospective residents are treated with respect, dignity and fairness and improving awareness of elder abuse’.
To be ready to meet the Code of Conduct criteria or NSW legislative requirements, have you thought about developing a set of Village Values that might reflect the standards expected of your team and the wider Village Community? Or at the very least a Policy that outlines the expectations in relation to these matters for your team and contractors.
If you haven’t signed up to the Code of Conduct, you can do it here.
The Village Manager Professional Development Program Portal will host a number of example policies to assist meeting the Code of Conduct compliance.