Join the Property Council Retirement Census
The upcoming PwC/Property Council Retirement Census is open and just around the corner.
It’s open to all Australian retirement village operators and there is no cost to participate.
The Retirement Census profiles the physical characteristics of villages, ownership details, business attributes (e.g. tenure, financial structure, operating overheads), sales, resident profiles (e.g. demographics, length of stay), and future development.
We’d encourage all villages to participate, as the census is vital for:
- Tracking the state of the sector
- Comparison with international markets
- Government lobbying
- Providing data and facts for operators
Operators who participate in the survey get a free 60+ page report to helps them benchmark their business and keep up with sector trends.
For more information, click here.
DCM Research National Resident Survey 2020
We’d also like to draw your attention to DCM Research’s National Resident Survey.
This piece of research is designed to help village professionals understand their residents and allows you to benchmark your community against the sector.
Participating villages will receive:
- Final report in hard and soft copy (175 pages+)
- Net Promoter Score (NPS) for each village and operator.
- ResiRating – Score out of five for village and marketing purposes.
- Resident satisfaction score out of 100.
The National Resident Survey is in the field in September. For more information, click here.