Interesting bit of information – Ingenia testing ‘flat pack’ homes made in China
We will report on this in more detail over the next few months but thought this might tickle your fancy – it sparked our imagination.
Land lease community and rental village operator Ingenia, with over 50 locations, is trialling the manufacture of complete homes in China and shipping them here to Australia.
We hear they have already built one and have ordered and a further nine.
Why are they doing this? Their CEO Simon Owen comes from the retirement village sector and he tells us its origins were affordable housing for Australia’s ageing population. He wants to continue that service.
The potential cost of a two-bedroom home – less than $200,000.
This is not new. Check out these hotels
For hotel rooms we have been told that the room arrives complete with the linen on the bed and the towels in the bathroom!
Your next village may be made in China!