End of Year Checklist
Don’t you love hearing your friends and family talk about how things are winding down as we approach Christmas? As Village Professionals, we know it’s the opposite. Things never really quieten down in the Village.
Rather, we see a quite moment as a chance to tick off the end of year tasks that we may have put off during the year and get ourselves ready for next year.
A few of the items I’d work through between Christmas and New Year would include:
- Ensure all Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans are up to date
- Check resident handbooks are still current and update where required
- Update resident emergency contact details
- Take some time to visit the resident who doesn’t venture out of their unit
- Have a look at your website to see if any changes need to be made
- Clean out the office cupboards and drawers – be ruthless
- Get all the filing up to date – you may need to destroy records and require a secure bin
- Clean up your email inbox, file those your need and delete those you don’t
- Check any outstanding maintenance requests that may have been overlooked
- Go through your To Do tray and finalise that one thing you keep putting to the bottom
- Create the 2024 events calendar – brainstorm new activities with residents and staff
- Block time out in your 2024 calendar for training and Professional Development AND finish off any topics you may have outstanding in the Knowledge Centre.
Most importantly, enjoy the chance to catch up on this and anything else you’ve had on your plate during the year. We head into a busy enquiry time in January and February. Getting these things completed will set you off in the right direction for 2024.