‘Disruption’ and investing in your professional development as a Village Manager at the VILLAGE SUMMIT
This week we briefed Matt Church (pictured above) for his keynote speaking role at our village Summit in two weeks time here in Sydney.
He wanted to know what the job of a village manager will look like in five years’ time.
What are your thoughts? We said it will be very different; the business of retirement villages is being ‘disrupted’ like every other business.
New villages are going vertical in inner and middle suburbs of cities and regional towns, with international hotel like facilities. The building is very different as a ‘capital asset’ to the traditional village of villas. ‘Concierge services’ are being marketed.
Sales need to be fast.
Older villages require refurbishment – requiring different village manager skills, working with residents, complex building and outfitting, and budgeting.
Resident sales expectations need to managed.
Five years from now – a new world requiring new skills. Are you prepared?
We have invested in Matt Church to support you in preparing for this new retirement village sector. You can experience Matt at our VILLAGE SUMMIT 11-12 April in Sydney..
Matt is one of the nation’s best keynote speakers. He blends inspiration, education and entertainment to create world class conference presentations.
He is committed to helping people prepare for tomorrow by taking action today. His philosophy can be summed up in one word NEXT! What is the best next thing you can do to future proof your business or career?
In 2014 Matt was inducted into the professional speaker Hall of Fame. e-Speakers ranks him as one of the Top10 motivational speakers globally. The International Federation of Professional Speakers recognised him as one the top 21 most influential speakers on the planet.
Please join us, experience Matt and 21 other leading speakers on village management. Click HERE for the program.