Aged care resources at your fingertips
As a Village Manager part of our job is being the resource centre to assist residents and their families throughout their life journey.
I often get asked by Village Managers, “How do I help family and friends make decisions about a resident’s need for more services, or an aged care package?”
Whilst My Aged Care is the obvious place to start, I also like to provide a link to our own Aged Care 101. It offers additional resources like videos that explain in plain English, what can be a very complex process.
(It has over 40,000 visits a month now)
You can also look to referral groups like CareAbout.
Building a link to a retirement advisor who specialises in aged care is really valuable.
You can ask Aged Care Gurus for a qualified advisor in your area.
Form great relationships with local home care providers so that when that question is asked by family and friends you have all the resources at your fingertips.